It Is Fun To Win Ribbons!

Have you ever belonged to the Girl Scouts, Future Homemakersers of America (FHA), or Future Farmers of America (FFA)? Do you remember getting ribbons at the County Fair for exhibits you entered? Well, I recently noticed an Open Art Exhibit was looking for entries at my County Fair, so I figured, “What the Hey!” So I entered the pieces in the photo above and I won three 1st Place Ribbons and one 2nd Place Ribbons! Yippee! I was immediately brought back to fond memories of winning drawing contests, art contests, essay contests, and even many Girl Scout contests, badges, and patches. How fun and what nice memories to be reminded of! So, it just goes to show you that even the little things can mean so much more in your heart of hearts! Happy Scrappin’! 

5 responses to “It Is Fun To Win Ribbons!

  1. Awesome! I love the art and the ribbons – yes, I do remember and I still have them (40 years later) tucked in a special treasure box. Good for you!!!


  2. YEAH AMY!!! I can NOT believe that your beautiful winning layout only placed 2nd… it is also deserving of FIRST!! In any case… you are very talented and I am so excited for you! You deserve it!! Hugs…


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